Saturday, July 23, 2016

National Building Museum

The National Building Museum has a wide array of displays. First is Icebergs with climbing areas, a slide and pillows to launch yourself into. Or as Leslie said the wear the kids out zone. Next was a doll house exhibit. They had doll houses from 1740 to 2004. Unfortunately no photos were allowed. Then a collection of 80 paper cutouts. From a Prague Castle kit to a Queen Elizabeth Coronation kit. The most unusual was a Lenin Memorial replica. Lastly was a Play Work Build area. Lily had a blast here. She made different objects using Lincoln logs,  small blue blocks and giant blue blocks. She organized a whole work crew to build a giant structure. Only two kids were trapped in the rubble when it all came down.  Finally there was an interactive projection. It took your shadow and built blocks in that shape. 

Simulated Icebergs 
Up she goes 
Down she comes 
Lily and Leslie 
High speed return 
The tip of the icebergs 
Floating above it all
My small block construction 
Construction #1
Non union labor 
Construction #2
Very cool construction not be me
Construction #2 nearly complete 
Queen of the Castle 
Where are your legs
Actively building 
Bag Lady projection