Another delightful day brought us out to revisit High Park. High park is rather large and so we did not really put a dent into it the first time we were here. As we were strolling we saw the Hight Park Train. It was more of a truck pulling a set of cars behind it. The truck was painted red and the copious diesel exhaust gave us the impression that we were behind a steam train. At seven dollars per adult we saw several folks sit down and then reconsider the ride. But we rode all through the park on our 35 minute ride. After we rode the train we walked a path into the woods where we saw some tiny spiders. On our way out we saw a woodpecker and a yellow-bellied flycatcher
In formation and banking to the right
It seems that the plane in the back needs more practice
Definitely not symmetric
Taking the streetcar over we see newly defaced graffiti
The streetcar pulled up, disgorged its passengers and then turned on the "not in service sign" and pulled over to the pull off lane
I will certainly make a bird check list on eBird
Right off the bat
Four different species
These two pine trees looked to be one tree but it was two
Looks like a single tree
Fishing along the bank
Wood Duck
Four ducks, the real ones are upside down
Here they are in the correct orientation
Stinky! It was a good thing that the wind was strong
Pickle Ball
A pool along the bike path
High Park Pool
Our train
An odd couple
In the pine grove
A burst of color
Dropping off flares
Smoke belching jet
Super big weeping willows
Where are all the woodpeckers
After the train we walked in a heavily wooded area
The spiders were all lit up
Pretty green legged spider
Downy Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (new Lifebird)
Flying kites
This tree is absorbing the fence
This family had a picnic in the center of a grove of pine trees
A bit of rock stacking
Great Egret
Waiting for the streetcar
A full sized canoe caught in a pair of calipers
Mourning doves
Who died, Miss mourning dove?