Tuesday, September 24, 2024

21 September 2024 Dingle: Fish 'N Chips at the Fish Box and a Walk to the Distillery


We got off the boat and decided to get some fish and chips at the Fish Box.  We liked the food so much that a return visit seemed very appropriate.  Some of our fellow boat tourists were at the Fish Box with us and at one point Leslie says, "She is coming over." We were very curious about this and when she arrived she had a notebook with her.  Inside this notebook is a sketch of me with my mustache all askew and my camera in my hand.  It was fun to talk to her.  After lunch, to walk over to the Dingle distillery.  We passed the aquarium and the fresh fish store on the way.  The sub-conscious is amazing and this fish store worked on ours so much, that on the return trip we stopped and bought seem fish for dinner.  That fish was so tasty.  18 Euro was less than a single entree at any of the restaurants in town.  

Nice braids!

This fish house missed out on our business by not being open

A good likeness

It turns out she is from Toronto and here doing a study abroad program

Bike tires

An old convent is now an Art Center

But it is not open today!

Looking through the windows

The church is quite large for this small a town

I have wings!

My angel!


One of those neighbors!

So much stuff in the yard and a crazy gate too

A rare purple door

Honey I forgot to move the boat!

Oyster Digger

Oyster Catcher

A bridge over the mud

The tide is out

Whiskey gin and vodka distillery

The magic happens here

A tasting was already set up for the tour

Straw figurines

The cask brings flavors and color to what is aging inside it

Distill at will

Bringing in all the raw materials

Lugworm?  They are large marine worms that burrow in the sand and mud and are available here

Dinner is here!

Salmon and monkfish for us please

Wrapping up our fish for only 18 euro

 It has been 2 years and 108 days since we began our Migration