Wednesday, September 11, 2024

10 &11 Sep 2024 Heathrow: Overnight at the Airport


We headed to the airport at noon and had to wait a few hours before British Airways opened up a counter for us to check in.  It is always interesting to see how other people deal with the queues.  There was jostling, cutting and walkway blocking, enough to last a year.  Then it was a easy walk to the lounge where we sat for another couple of hours. We never had to go through immigration, as the airlines tell Canada that we have left.  The flight was just a little delayed and we landed a half hour late due to a holding pattern over Heathrow.  Sitting in 2A and 3A we watched movies and had a brief celebrity sighting.  1A was occupied by a sleeping Australian actress, Cate Blanchette. We landed a bit before 7AM and breezed through immigration.  US Citizens can now use the electronic kiosks.  With our bags in hand we made it to the Sofitel Hotel by 7:30.  We selected an early check in but had to wait till 9:30 until a room became available.  Then we got a four hour catch up nap.  We have a rule, not more than one international leg per day.  With possible delays and weather, it is not advisable to try to book too much in a single day.  As such we are staying overnight in Heathrow and then traveling to Cork Ireland tomorrow.  

Heading over downtown Toronto

Etobicoke is along here, to wards the top of the picture

Oh the strolling we did along these shorelines

Humber river and the Humber Bay Park

You can see the little municipal airport on Toronto Island

Toronto and Toronto Island

The sun started setting soon after take off

The St Laurence Seaway

Sunset looking good

More rivers and lakes

With a great sunset behind

Soon it will be dark

Smoke from wildfires must be adding to the color

Very pretty

Looking back to the wing

Goodnight world

A good morning sunrise

My only picture of Cate Blanchete

The clouds keeping the sun at bay

Bridges across the Thames

The Thames River

Downtown London

British Airways planes

A very busy airport

Sitting in the lobby of the Sofitel after our breakfast

A bit out of place, this mesh woman reaches for the sky

 It has been 2 years and 98 days since we began our Migration