Monday, September 30, 2024

27 September 2024 Waterford: A Three Mile Birding Walk


In between lunch and dinner I took advantage of the bright sunny day and took a three mile hike around the island.  I cataloged all of them and put a checklist up on eBird with 24 species on it.  I walked most of the east side of the island and made it to the lighthouse.  

The deer were watching me 

Song Thrush

More deer


A cool little cottage in the woods

A tiny well in the background

The island is quite beautiful

Herring Gull

Hooded gull

Mute swan

The golf course

A fake owl


Eurasian moorehen

Getting all of my ducks in a row

Looking up the west side of the island

A big berm

The swamp outlet into the river

Here is the lighthouse

Some sort of depot

Little egret


Common Redshank

Tussocks of grass

Perhaps a common greenshank?  Merlin made the identification from its call

A train went by honking its horn and scared up all the gulls

Little grebe

The Redshank

Perhaps an otter

Walking down to the water

Common Sandpiper

Very skittish birds

Eurasian Curlew

Basking in the sun

 It has been 2 years and 114 days since we began our Migration