Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9 September 2024 Toronto: An Early Morning Trip to Samuel Smith Park


Our penultimate day in Toronto started early.  I took the streetcar to the park and walked all over Samuel Smith Park.  I was able to see two new birds and add them to my list, the Belted Kingfisher and the American Wigeon.  I was out for a couple of hours and after looking at my exercise app I saw that I had stomped about enough to get almost 12,000 steps.  Then Leslie and I finished packing and cleaning the AirBnB.  Off to Ireland we go!

I used colored pencils to make the design on these rocks.  Then I headed out to the waters edge and placed the rocks out for others to discover.  

A wide open field at the start

A student center

The sun is coming up

Pink streak of light

The Canada Goose

A delightful sunrise

Banded Kingfisher


The skyline

Red necked grebe 

We three gulls are sitting about

Trumpeter Swans


Mourning Dove

Sleepy swans

Cormorants on the wing

Lots of cormorants


The signposts

Lots of flowers


Double Crested Cormorant

A very tiny bird

Warbling Vireo 


In the same tree as the vireo

Common Merganser

Bad hair day

Ready to surf

Howdy squirrel lovers

Mr. Corgi

The marina

Such a huge amount of goo on the lamp

An array of birdhouses built for Tree Swallows

With warnings about birdseed and fishing line


Lots of flowers

Grey Catbird

Another lake

Squirrel One to headquarters, over.  One big nut sighted, over.  The nut is taking my picture!

A gadwall 

Lots of birdhouses built for Tree Swallows

Another huge trail system

This looks like one of those cages where they ride a motorcycle inside it.

Nicely painted electrical box

An American Wigeon



Downy Woodpecker

Trying to hide from the camera


12,000 steps!

 It has been 2 years and 96 days since we began our Migration