Monday, September 16, 2024

14 September 2024 Cobh: Off to the Jameson Distillery Experience


Laura found the "Jameson Experience" that was a short 20 minutes away.  We followed the wrong directions to the actual modern facility that had no end of signage telling us to turn around.  The signs said to plot a six digit postal code which would take us directly there.  Apparently each building in Ireland has its own postal code!  We took the tour and really enjoyed the historical information.  The whiskey sampling was really enjoyable.  After the sampling, as they send us through the gift shop, we each were allowed another drink.  Straight whiskey or a mixed drink were the options.  Of course we chose to avail ourselves of all the possible libations.  When I say we I mean Laura and I because Leslie does not like  the whiskey.

Follow that sign!

Woody wood pigeon

Old school stone construction

A fine stream flowed through Midletown

The Town Hall Bar is a bar and the Town Hall

Oops wrong place!

Top of the Library to you!

The rest off the library

Glove crane

We are back to the old factory

Great old buildings

It is afternoon so drinking is now acceptable

A wall of whiskey

All Jameson

Back in Black

Obviously aged a long time

Mastered and then re-mastered

So very expensive!  Aged 47 years

There was on that was aged 49 years and it cost 55,000 Euro

Aged 49 years

100 years ago

JJ as we like to call him

The door to the experience is here

In we go

First a short video

The tour begins

Come into the kiln building

Insulated shoes used by the workers to stand on the hot tiles

The hot air could pass through the tile and dry out the grain that is spread out on top of these tiles

This is how it looked with the grain all spread out

A fellow sized bellows

A huge waterwheel

Brought in from Birmingham after the wooden one degraded past useability

Big wheel keep on turning

The kiln is four or five stories tall.  Smokeless coal would be burned on the lowest level and the hot exhaust would filter up through successive layers of tile and grain 

Big head inserted for a sense of scale

A bit green these days

Yes I do mind my head

Driven either by the big water wheel or the steam engine, these gears run the grinding wheels

Purchased in 1834 from Liverpool for 800 pounds sterling.  The equivalent of 2 million euros today

Two 45,000 gallon tanks for the first stage 

Mr. Mannequin 

That is a massive amount of wort

Barrels of various provenance 

Here a still, there a still, everywhere a whiskey still

I am glad it is not moving, stay still house

Yet another huge wooden tank

After the third distillation

Barrells of fun

They use white oak from the Ozarks after it was used in American Bourbon making or Spanish barrels used in making sherry

Back in the day

A rocking mustache

Was much appreciated

Botanicals in a jar

The gin distillery

My favorite vessel

And then it goes in the bottle

This is the small batch distillery whare they make a mere 5 barrels a week

Even though it looks quite modern this is still a manual labor process

Three kettles for the three distilations

The first is the wash still

The second is the feints still and the last is the spirits still

A chaffing machine

Ring the bell!

The newer method of distilling

The largest copper kettle distilling pot

10,000 gallons!

Getting our lesson in distilling

Laura is to the left for scale

The pipe at the top sends the alcohol vapor over to the other kettles in the next room

The second and third distilling pots

A building was devoted to the barrels starting with the logs

Going to the barrels 

After they are all used up a local carpenter makes some art

and some furniture

Shhh, the whiskey is resting

From left to right the moonshine straight out of the spirits still, one year in the barrel, three years in the barrel, six years, 12 years and 18 years

Having fun and learning too

John Jameson truck

Stop by and drop a barrel at our house

What do we have under the paper?

We have Jameson, Powers Gold Label and Green Spot whiskeys to sample 

Yes to all three

Almost gone

Empty shot glasses all over the place

Mixed drinks were available at the final stage.  Leslie got the Powers Honey Hi-ball that Laura split with me.  Both Laura and I got the Powers served neat.

We did and we liked it

No is allowed out until they go through the gift shop

So much merch

Will this fit in my luggage?

It has been 2 years and 101 days since we began our Migration