Wednesday, September 18, 2024

16 September 2024 Rosscarbery: Rathbarry Church Ruins and the Galley Head Lighthouse


This was a very busy and fulfilling day.  First an early morning birding walk, then a trip to the ruins of the Rathbarry Church followed by a trip to the Galley Head Lighthouse.  I saw a wider variety of birds on my walk but no life-list birds.  Then we drove to Castle Freke but the gate was closed, it is off season after all.  We drove the tiny lanes just to soak up all that rural Ireland has to offer on this fine sunny day.  We stopped at a small roadside church and then went to the ruins of Rathbarry church.  This must have been a great house of worship in its heyday but it is so dilapidated now that parts are closed off and deemed too dangerous.  We had to hike in a half mile in a very dense and a bit of a spooky forest.  The graveyard adjacent to the church was a jumble of headstones.  Some had worn down so much that they were just slabs of rock.  Some were more modern and were probable replacement stones.  Next we drove along the beach looking for lunch but the Beach Shack was closed so we pushed on to the Galley Head Lighthouse.  The drive out to the lighthouse was 4 km long and it had us second guessing ourselves dure to the distance.  We got to the end of the land and there was a great platform to stand on and look out over the sea.  We also walked some of the trail along the cliffs and looked into a deep cleft in the hill.  Here was a sea cave ringed by thick layers of moss and lichen.  Next post is our excursion to find lunch.

Out before the sun!

I thought that the entire beach was deserted

But then I saw this guy fishing

An old watchtower in the distance


The sun it getting ready to pop up

We saw this house from the other side yesterday

Glassy surface of the water

Don't drive off the edge.  This sign is overly dramatic!

Common redshanks


Breakfast must be here somewhere!

A brace of ducks flying overhead

Just getting the sun

A swan

The birds seem to share the mudflats with each other

Starling in the sun

Heading out to explore

Castle Freke 

Not open to the public

No Pony Trekking

A rather new cemetery 

Love the walls

The new stones are still using the old designs

The really old ones are quite primitive

A lake in the distance

Fields of barley are planted for the local whiskey distillery


Quaint cottages

Our path to the Rathbarry Church

Moving slow

Spooky old forest 

Leip Ladies for scale

The interior was off limits

There were outbuildings

The things that stand the test of time are seemingly random.  Take the stone work in this window as an example

From the back of the church

The smaller outbuilding survived almost intact

The Celtic cross

An odd tower

Weathered down to the raw stone

Hoot hoot, this on looks like an owl

Stone and lichen

Very ornate

Just remnants 

New cottages getting great stone walls and a cool door

The beaches were beautiful

Nearly empty but for a few brave souls

Looking back we could see the ruins of the church

A few horses

We finally reach the lighthouse

So idlyic

An cottage, perhaps for the lightkeeper

A walkway to an observation deck

There were moss covered towers and the remains of a wall

Perhaps an old fortification

Jagged rocks

What might this be?

A deep scrape in the earth

Seawater came in from the side

The moss and lichen was so thick that it was like walking on sponges

So mossy!

The mysterious cave behind Laura

We are all still alive as no one fell into the abyss

Fuchsia flowers line the lanes all along this part of Ireland

It has been 2 years and 103 days since we began our Migration