Friday, September 13, 2024

12 September 2024 Cobh: The Emerald Isle, Ireland


We were successful in shaking off our jet lag and slept until our 8:30 alarm.  We ate at the breakfast buffet and made sandwiches to take for lunch.  Our flight on Air Lingus was only one hour and luckily no one sat in the middle seat!  We landed, got our luggage, breezed through immigration and got the rental car.  The car is a mid sized SUV, big for Ireland but small by American standards.  We dropped off our big luggage at a storage spot.  The cost in Cork is a third of the price it would cost at Heathrow.  Then we picked up Laura at the Cork Train Station.  It was only a half hour to get to our first Ireland stay in Cobh.  This AirBnB is in an older row house along the main street into town.  We can see the Cathedral from the front door and the water beyond that.  It is a nice place and we will be very comfortable here for the next three nights.  We stopped at the store on the way into town and stocked up but dinner out sounded much better than cooking.  We ate at the Quays down on the water.  It was a bit too chilly to eat outside so we had a cozy table inside.  Two new gins, two fish and chips and a chicken dish and we were all satiated.  Now we had to tackle the uphill climb back to the place

This ship has swallowed a car and a truck

Old row buildings in Cork

Domes of unknown utility

The streets are like back alleys

Driving along the river on our way to pick up Laura

It can be built with a nod to beauty

On our way to Cobe, pronounced cove

A mysterious tower

With an enchanted tree on top

A stop in the store to stock up on vittles

A sign in the AirBnB

Our front dsoor

Two stories, three bedrooms and two baths and headbangers at every turn

Add a G to the front of the street anme

A Banksy, probably not an original 

Yes, we walked up and down some steep hills

Love the use of color

They make a big deal about this being the last port of call for the ill fated maiden voyage of the Titanic

The cathedral towers above the town

Caw caw

Look at this lovely couple, the Ladies Leip

More downhill walking

Lit up by the rays of the setting sun


The original drive through

Finally, flat land too walk on

These hooded crows were talking up a storm

A monument to the victims of the Lusitania sinking.  It was torpedoed less than 20 miles from Cobh in 1915

Gazebo or cupola?

Big brass propellor salvaged from a 1987 shipwreck

One might bet the impression that we are in dangerous waters

For sale, a real fixer upper

The white house

Great place for dinner

The interior looks much nicer than the exterior

A three masted ship

Right on the waterfront

Boats for hire

The moon is up and the sun is going down

This is a sign in front of a construction site.  They are renovating the former Royal Cork Yacht Club

A rare mauve building

Locked out of the loo!

The Titanic Experience 

Three champion women

A bright orange

What is through this portal?

A meat market if I have ever seen one

Blurry beer kegs

 It has been 2 years and 99 days since we began our Migration