Thursday, August 3, 2017

Medlock Ames part 2

After Alexander Springs we swung on by Robert Young Vineyards. We did not stay long as it was very tiny and mostly just for club members. We went to Medlock Ames during the actual tasting hours but just barely because it was 4:25 and they stopped at 4:30. It was quite delightful and the Chelsae at the bar knew about us already. Her boyfriend John was up at Iron Horse and had already told her about us and our less than disciplined ways. We had tasty wines and had to finish up quick because we had the lady that was going to cook us dinner back at the house.
At this point we do seated wine tastings. Not due to a lack of balance, or is it?

Very cool open-air setup.

Both Dan and Chelsea helped us out with our wines

 Chelsea is thinking about the end of the day. It's only minutes away