Wednesday, September 28, 2022

27 September 2022 Addo Park South Africa: Large Animals


The most abundant animals we saw in descending order were Red Hartebeests, Zebras, Elephants, Kudus, Warthogs and Jackals, Giraffe and Baboon.  We learned some cool facts about zebras.  They can thermo regulate by raising just their black stripes when they need to cool down.  The raised black stripes warm up and small vortices of air form at the boundary between the stripes thereby cooling off the zebra.  

The Hartebeest and a Warthog 

The Hartebeest was so named because the horn look like a heart when viewed head on

The dune fields can be seen in the distance

Each stripe pattern is unique.  The baby's imprint this pattern so they can find her in a crowd. 

The type of Zebras found here are Burchelle's Zebras.  The belly is big because Zebras are hind gut fermenters.  That is the way they digest.

Zebras have black skin.  So technically they are black with white stripes.  The further south in Africa you go, the wider the stripes get.

Time for a green salad

This Baboon was gone in a blink of an eye

Two Warthogs running across the street

Tail up!

Taking a break

A young Zebra has black, white and the shadow stripes that can be grey or brown

Baby Hartebeests

Warthogs laying low

Lovely flowers blooming amongst the animals

A big male Kudu 

And the girls in his harem

Tail Wagging warmth of the sun 

Can you see the Jackal?

It is easier to see here

Find it again if you can

As we were leaving the park we saw two giraffe

A giraffe and his buddy

There was a game farm adjacent to the park and the owner has collected springbok with melanin issues

A little albino springbok

It has been 115 days since we began our Migration