When we saw the word "Spectacular" in the name of this Christmas Show we were instantly hooked. We dressed up and came to see a spectacle. That is exactly what we saw, singing, dancing, a magic show, acrobatics, hula hooping and a visit from Santa too! It was not the most professional of Christmas Spectaculars, but is was only just a short bus ride away and the tickets were very reasonable.
All the folks getting drinks
An entire cross section of Australian culture
Waiting for the show to start, so many folks were a the bar that they needed to get their drinks before they could be seated
Tin Soldiers
Dancing the robot
These outfits are a bit risqué for a children's show
Very reminiscent of the Rockettes
Not really a possibility for this crowd, but better safe than sorry
She who does the hula so well
Impressive act
Let the Christmas song singing continue
The big showgirl head dresses are out
Out come the angels
The acrobat about to climb on the spinning hoop
Notice the huge chandelier up top
Ostrich feather fan dance
The magician made it snow
Thanks Brisbane, you have been a great crowd!
It has been 2 years and 193 days since we began our Migration