Monday, July 20, 2015

Changing of the Guards

The changing is advertised as starting at 11:00 AM.  So we told Kris Dave and Tyler to get in position early while we went to the Royal Mews.  We were on and out of the Mews and over to the castle bt 11:15.  We find them in the mass of people somehow but the ceremony has not started.  Much like the last time we saw the changing of the Guards we ivadvertangly find ourselves in prime position.  We had to laugh as the police try to keep the crowd moving.  Choruses of "keep moving" and "no stopping" rang out over and over.  For those who did not understand English, or pretended not to, the police man would get behind them and just push.  AS we were leaving the band was playing Copa Cabana so I danced my way through the "keep on walking" zone as a joke.   One police officer said "keep on dancing" and the next just says "nice socks".  Good to see they have kept their sense of humor.