The train ride back to Christchurch seemed like an entirely different ride from the first. For one, the amount of rain that we traveled through was substantially less. We also moved our seats from a crowded car to a car that had fewer people in it. Most importantly we spent more time in the viewing car. The viewing car was located at the back of the train this time so there was less dust and exhaust to deal with. The mountains were just as beautiful as before but we saw horses and cows that we missed the first time. Some breeds of cows are like fingerprints, each one is individualized and no two are the same. While we were waiting for the train we saw a motorcyclist speaking to two ladies on the platform with us. They all knew each other and we would not have noticed this interaction except for the fact that the motorcyclist was dripping wet. It was raining a good clip in Greymouth before we took off so that is why he was so wet. Leslie saw him several times as we were pulling out of town and then I saw him too. Soon we realized that he was following the train and adjusting his speed so his friends could see him as he rode along with the train. We waved at him multiple times and even yelled "Hi" to him at Arthurs Pass. We saw his friends in the car we were riding on and talked to them about him. Most of the train had seen him by now.
An odd choice of subject for a mural right next to a train station
Off we go heading to Christchurch
Hmmm, I recognize this motorcycle
Crossing rivers
Hi cows!
Nice looking spots
Little lakes
Big lakes
A swamp too
So green
The clouds of the West Coast
More lakes
We were waving at him too!
Big rivers
Big mountains
Big birds
Big white stripes on the cows
Happy horses
Mysterious valleys
Lush green fern beds
A better shot of the Moa
I can imagine eating one of these, it could feed an entire village
Giant Gollum has not moved
Back up top
The construction equipment next to the tunnel entrance is a bit concerning
Time to walk the dogs
Big scree fields
Some green showing
Very rugged
Our train stretched out in front of us
River valley off into the distance
A tiny waterfall
Another river flowing down from the mountains. The mouth of the river is at a higher elevation as it spills out
The river enters
Big views from the viewing car
The tree line is visible
So many imaginary paths to follow
On the winter these would be covered in snow
Cattails far into the distance
It is dry on this side of the mountains
But there are still lakes
The sky is blue and reflecting off of this lake
Now back along the river valley
The seagulls fly all the way to the middle of New Zealand
A cow peeking over the top of the ridge
Unstable soil
A big washout
Heading into another tunnel, one of 15 total
Steep sides
Blue blue water!
Blue skies too
We are soon to be on the plains and back in our seats for a bite of dinner