Tuesday, February 21, 2023

19 February 2023 Madrid : A Sunday Stroll in Parque Retiro


We had made sandwiches at the breakfast buffet and snuck them out for our lunches.  Nothing goes better with picnic than picnic in the park.   We hopped off the bus at Parque de El Retiro.  This grand park reminded us of the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris.  There is a pond with row boats, an art museum, an ornate glassed in garden, multiple fountains, buskers and miles and miles of paths.  Above is a picture of two bagpipers that we watched as we ate our sandwiches.  At first we thought they were practicing or that they were not that good.  They stopped blowing into the bagpipes, as people dropped coins into their box, so they could thank them.  When they stopped blowing, the pipes dropped a half octave and the sound was discordant.  This happened at odd intervals so that is why we thought they were playing poorly.  We also saw an accordion player, a saxophone player, a puppet show, various fuzzys, Mickey and Minnie were also part of the show just like in Times Square.  We saw multiple birds in the trees and in the ponds.  We spent at least three hours wandering around this park and could have spent more time but for the residual jet lag creeping up on us.  

Quite the fine building across from the entrance to the park

One of the few gates into the park, later we had to walk extra to find an exit

Very cool trees

Are they trimmed to look like this?

Behold the mask!

Th accordion player had an umbrella to sit under, that is why he is so shaded

It was a bit nippy in the shade but toasty in the sun

Looks like coral stone

Row row row your boat

Fishes in the pond

Everybody loves a sunny Sunday

Play that saxophone 

The black backed gulls love this pond

The Art Museum

We saw bike tours, mono-wheel tours, and walking tours

Fancy tile work

The legendary Elf Gardener of Retiro Park could make the gardens bloom in the fall but could only be seen by couples truly in love.

At first I thought that this was an Egyptian obelisk, but it turned out to be church spires 

These Monk Parakeets were elusive

The topiary crew worked overtime

Wire Haired Fox Terriers

The back of the Art Museum

Very tall ceiling

All the art was painted by Manolo Quejido

40 years of works

Watermelon People

Social inequity

Bright Ideas

Surrealist works

Social Commentary

Pop Art

Decorations on the outside of the building

A couple of Griffins flank the entrance

Big fountain down the path

A fun free art experience

Turtles love the sun too

The line to get into the garden stretched around the building

Eurasian Moorhen

Love the glass roof

A statue to a bagpiper, who knew it was a Spanish thing?

A white tree in bloom

Another cool garden

With Peacocks!

Incredible iridescence

And Peahens

It is a tiny maze for birds!

"Thing" from the Addams Family is out for a day in the park

The fanciest of duck houses

Monk Parakeets

A street clown or street art , you decide

Heading back to the hotel for dinner and an early turn in, we fly again tomorrow

It was been 259 Days since we began our Migration