Friday, February 24, 2023

22 February 2023 Marbella: We Head to the East Along the Walkway


The wind was calm and the sun was bright, perfect weather for a walk.  The walkway started out "paved" with a mixture of concrete, bricks and stones.  Some places are easier to walk on than others and the walkway leads to the footbridge pictured above.   After the bridge the path is sand and there are deep places where the bikes dig into the sand and wipe out!  We have to keep our eye on the ball while walking.  We got to a wooden board walk that was just above the water line and we watched  the tide come in.  It was very peaceful and we are enjoying some stationary time at the shore.  Ahhhh can be heard in the apartment often as we are relaxing.

Untra-lights flying by

Big metal sphere

The foot bridge appears

Great cormorants mobbing a tree

Pedestrians and bikes share this bridge

The mountains behind us while standing on the footbridge

Geese share the water below

Blooming cactus

This little guy came trucking past us on the path

The men's sign was half in and half out

Stretching out to the east

The Monk Parakeets make communal nests

An Eurasian Blue Tit

Monk Parakeet

A Black Redstart

A boat close in to shore by a restaurant

Frenchies on the beach

We bought some potted plants while we were out.  The hanging plant is on the balcony

We are set up with fruit and tapas makings

The Gerber daisy is on the table

Tapas time!

Dinner time

It has been 261 days since we began our Migration