This fine aquarium is across the street from our apartment. How convenient is that? Entry was very reasonable with the senior discount and we have become adept at remembering to ask for these discounts. This aquarium exemplifies quality over quantity. The aquarium did not open until 1 PM and we got lucky that the feeding time started soon after we arrived. The colors of the fish and the variety of species was fantastic. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
The front door!
Apparently barter or shell money is not allowed anymore
A freshwater eel
It started out with Freshwater animals, eels rays and local fish
These fish were able to keep the heads down orientation at all times
Beautiful fish
A fluorescent spot on the top
A basket weave on this fish
The eel comes out for feeding time
A giant clam fully extended
But it contracted when the arm of the attendant reached over
Muddy mudskipper
A different kind of puffer
A weird sea star
This bright colored pipefish
Handing out the food
A trigger fish
Love the colors
Box fish with spots
Each anemone got it's own fish
Lots of little tanks, sea jellies and sea horses
The Stonefish are perfectly camouflaged and lighting fast
Spotted Garden Eels
This eel would only peek out of his hole
That is until the fish came around and then chomp
Suddenly there was another eel in the tank
These lobsters were so big. we wondered if they were spared from the dinner table by the aquarium staff
Many corals glow under UV light. This aquarium is the first in the world to display these fluorescent corals
A riot of colors
Three snakes and a charm (A Black Crows Album)
Swimming to the top for a breath
Sea snake with reflection
Circling for food in the big tank
Fantastic yellow fins
A unique type of shark
Clown triggerfish
A big grouper joins the group
A big pufferfish
So much food in the water
Mean looking moray eel
The Unicorn Fish
A Unicorn fish without the horn