At Passau there are 3 rivers that join together the Inn the Ill and the Danube. The Inn comes in with a glacial color to it. It's gray and was already in flood. The ill is much smaller as it comes in. The ill is much darker as it comes in from pine forest filled with tannins. The boat was rocking side to side when all three rivers met. There were whirlpools and debris and the weird mixture of the different colors of the river went on for a several kilometers.
Houses on the edge
Ready to get on board
Who puts the em in Emerald?
Castle on the hill
Lsst bridge before we meet the other rivers
Row of houses
The ill river look closely to see the dark water
Park underwater
The inn river see the flooded park and the milky glacial color
More of the inn river
Different colors from different rivers
See the line of mixing