Due to rising waters we had to leave Regensburg early. There was a particular bridge that is low and we need to get there before the water rose so high that we could not get under the bridge. On our way there we had a lovely dinner at the Captain's Table. We could tell the Capitan was concerned about the bridge since he went to check several times during dinner. The rules of the company state that we cannot go under a bridge with less than 5 Centimeters clearance that's only 2 inches! Lucky for us we had 8 centimeters clearance, a little bit over 3 inches. We stayed at our room with the window down and watched our progress underneath the bridge. It was quite a sight to see . Kimand Ken were at the front of the boat to watch the bridge. There was a water bottle that had been balanced on the top of the ship and as we passed under the bridge it got knocked over. You can see it in the picture here. It gave Kim and Ken an added exciting component to the experience.