Since the Old Market was so close to our apartment we decided that the Old Market would be the perfect place for breakfast. Since we rode around in the hop-on-hop-off bus for a long time we figured the Old Market would be a perfect place for lunch. For breakfast I had a piece of salmon quiche and Leslie had a ham and cheese sandwich . When we came back we got an assortment of goodies including shrimp salad garlic shrimp spicy octopus herring and bear sausage we found a table in the middle of the market and got the taste all of our tasty bits. It sure is hard to beat the Old Market.. 

A most enjoyable breakfast sandwich
More salmon than quiche which was great
This was one big bowl of tiny octopi
A tasty trout Rose sandwich on rye
So many tasty fish eggs
Mayonnaise based shrimp salad that was so Tangy and refreshing
Spicy tiny octopi
Jumbo garlic shrimp, crayfish and Herring with black and red peppercorns