Friday, June 29, 2018

The Old Market

 I guess they call it the Old Market cuz it closes and goes to bed so early. No sooner had we finished our caviar then we crosscrossed the street to get some goodies at the Old Market when a lady  locked the door right in front of us. Since we had walked through before we knew there was a middle entrance so we ducked around to the side and got in! We bee lined it for the Vietnamese Booth to get some spring rolls and a pho to take home. The lady with the keys gave us a sharp look as she walked by but we assured her that we were quickly leaving. We got back to the apartment and reheated are spring rolls had a nice dinner and we are going to retire for the evening.
Tasty bits at the Old Market

Making us a tasty pho

He might be happy to get the business at the end of the shift he might not

The sneaky side entrance

                  Yum we got dinner
We saw this Ferry coming into dock as we arrived about 4:20 and 2 hours later it was leaving