Saturday, February 15, 2020

A trip in February??!!

 We are breaking with tradition and taking a February trip. We had originally wanted to go to the Galapagos on our Around the World trip, but it just did not fit in. The reason it did not fit, is that you can't just do two days in the Galapagos. Since it takes about a week to do the Galapagos that would have added too much time to the Around the World trip. So here it is,  six months later and we are going to the Galapagos. First we fly to Guayaquil, Ecuador and spend two nights. Monday morning we fly off to Santa Cruz in the Galapagos and stay at a fancy eco-lodge.
 off to the islands we go

The first class Lounge wants the members to be drunk

Carry-on Intrepid Travelers

And the Intrepid Travelers are Us

Yummy items 

Yummiest items, steak and whole quail