Sunday, February 23, 2020

Snorkeling with the penguins

We then traveled over to the island called China man's hat. It looks more like a UFO then a classic conical Chinese hat but that is the actual name. It was a long shot whether we would see any Penguins on her snorkel but we certainly did and it was a great treat!  1 three different penguins were swimming around us. They were so fast it was hard to even get a picture of one of them. I would point the camera and shoot and hope for the best.  I was able to get a video of the Penguins. I had the camera extended on my selfie stick and the Penguin came closer to the camera. Then another penguin came over towards it and they interacted a little. Then the Original Penguin shut off at such a high rate of speed that all the air in his feathers came out as a trail if bubbles.

See the video here

Penguin Video

Shorter Penguin Video