Today we hoofed it uphill to get to the Roma Gardens. This is the same area that hosted the enchanted gardens from last week. This time everything was in the daylight and all the flowers were bursting into view. 10,000 steps was well worth the effort. What follows will be another big flower showcase!
Up hill and along a big rock wall
This walkway is supported by the big yellow steel post
Past the Roma Train station
It begins with a crimson red flower bed
Too good to share indeed!
Fountains in the park
A Maned Duck
Big flat turtle
Clusters of these yellow beauties shone bright in the sun
A big tree fern
This flower laden tree was 30 feet tall
Great balls of flowers
The insects loved these balls
This is a Queensland Bottle Tree and not a baobab tree. Although Baobab do grow in Australia it is unknown how they started growing here a mere72,000 years ago
High on a hill in the park with the city in the backbround
Big blues
A helping hand
Such aa vibrant color
Just opened
Tiny purple flowers
The planted beds were bursting with color
Lilly time
Along this path
At least a dozen
Different types
Of lillies were
They all were
Large from 6 inches
To 8 inches acrross
So very pretty
Can we take some home?
Eggplants in the edible garden
Artichoke plants
A kangaroo and two joeys
Watewr Dragon
A hanging vine
Big hibiscuas
I loved the muted colors of the hydrangea
Bleeding hearts
A come of purple
Roses too
Millions of tiny flowers
A bunch of poinciana blooms
A close up of the poinciana
Another lilly garden
Chock full of flowers
This was a spectacular urban garden