We went to the Han Market along the Han River in Da Nang. There were different items here than we saw in Ho Chi Minh, but many repeats within the market. We hoped to find compression bags for clothes packing but all we found were industrial grade zip lock bags. I was able to find a few bands to hang my pendants from. We also found some essential oils to aid in our battle with the fried fish smells leaking into our place from the hallway. The entire second floor of the market was textiles and tailors. We looked for some fabric that would match the new shorts I bought in the Philippines. It is a bright color of blue and none of my blue shirts match with it. So we thought that if we could find fabric we could get a shirt made by one of the many tailors on the second floor off the market. We ran out of time for all of that so we will have to return on some rainy day or [possible find a different market.
Lots of beads and statues to choose from
Fruit aplenty, we will be shopping here for veggies and eggs
Dried shrimp if we need it for a recipe
Dried squids
These are the weasels famous for weasel coffee. They are not weasels at all but palm civet cats that are not cats either. The civets eat coffee berries which partially ferment on the way through the civet. When the beans are pooped out they are "harvested" by the coffee farmers and sold to the public. The poop is thoroughly washed and the beans are roasted but they are still officially poop.
From the second floor
Fantastic floral displays
Very pretty
Very smelly! The durian is a famously stinky fruit and is banned from hotels and other public places. We have not braved tasting it,,,yet
Hey cutie!
Along the river is another fine sculpture garden
Mostly stone sculptures
Two marble balls
Baby snakes
A walking tour ruining my photo
Great lines in the rock
Smooching couple
A serene look
Two heads are better than one
Basking in the sun
Sexy lady
Another face in the rock
A tangle of rock
Riding side saddle