Sunday, February 16, 2025

15 February 2025 Da Nang: Son Tra Mountain With Birds, Monkeys and Stunning Vistas


Today I was up before 6AM to make sure the weather was clear.  It was, so I was going to head up to Son Tra Mountain to do some birding.  My driver was early so we started at 6:20 and drove to the sidewalk cafe for him to get a coffee and some breakfast.  I was already fueled up so I declined this opportunity to test my digestive system.  We got half way up the mountain to the gate where they stop all the automatic scooters.  The automatic scooters can't handle the steep 18% grades so they are not allowed.  I was in a car so that was not going to be a problem.  The problem was that the gate is not opened until 7:30 so the driver had to cool his heels and wait while I started out on foot.  Right off the bat, I sat two lifebirds, the racket Tailed Treepie and the Pin-striped Tit-Babbler.  As I headed up the hill, I saw bicyclists going up and coming down, hikers, runners and a few other early birds.   More life birds peeked out of the trees and a I saw a few repeat customers.  My technique is to photograph every bird I see and sort out the "who's who" later.  It turns out that this was the Great Backyard Bird Count weekend so taking note of every bird was exactly what I needed to do.  After 7:30 the driver, Karo, drove up to me and I jumped in.  We drove up higher to the mountain top where I got out for a few pictures.  I would walk the road in likely birding spots ands he would either catch up to me or drive ahead and I would catch up to him.  In total I documented 11 species, 6 of them new to my lifelist.  Two or three other species flew in front of me and I could have made an educated guess, but I only count the birds that I have a half decent picture of.

A beach side fish market

Karo gets his breakfast

It started out with a squirrel!

A scooter performance issue

The Racket Tailed Treepie Lifebird #1

I hear you!

This looks like waves but it the a fog layer at ground level, a clear layer and then a cloud layer up top

Pin-stiped Tit-Babbler lifebird #2

A very nice looking bird

Da Nang peeking out of the fog

The forest is dense along the road


A Greater Racket Tailed Drongo

Here the tail feathers are more easily seen

The Greater Iora is considered rare  Lifebird #3

They have a distinctive white patch on the back

Great views of Da Nang

The power lines were not well maintained and often I could hear sparking noises off too the side

A water tank?

It is 7:30 and the gates have been opened

Up top there are large domes

See no domes, hear no domes, speak not of any domes

More fantastic views 

Just me and the monkeys 

Great views

The greenish color gives it a feel of being abandoned

This is seriously a steep 18% grade

The hikers made it

This deer looks like it is has the butcher's guide lines already marked out

I must be a bit scary for this little guy

Walking this stretch

I found a side path that ended here

But gave me a good picture of a house swift Life Bird #4

The other peak of Son Tra mountain

Three different domes

This little monkey was more relaxed

It seems to be getting foggier down low

A strip throated bulbul

Olive Backed Pipit Lifebird #5

Off in the distance another monkey

A restricted area...maybe I won't take pictures here

Hang on!

No need to go further downhill

Ill go downhill this way

Grooming on a Saturday before noon

A relaxed pair

The fog is definitely getting thicker 

A forced march of school kids

the Dark Necked Tailorbird Lifebird #6 for the day

Another curve on the downhill ride

A White Throated Kingfisher

A cool boulder field with a waterfall

Doing some fishing

A stream flowing into the ocean

Mr. Crabs

Down on the shore line

It is not easy to row a round boat

Big shell

Carrying the boat

Little Egrets

These containers of food were on the elevator when I got home

Lots of eggs

 It has been 2 years and 255 days since we began our Migration