We took a trip to Hue, home of the Vietnamese Imperial forbidden city. It was a long drive, first along the coast of Da Nang then up the mountain to the Hai Van pass. Once we descended, we passed many rice paddies and assorted small towns until we arrived at Hue. We spotted many overloaded scooters. It is amazing how much can get packed on to these vehicles and still they can maneuver them through traffic.
An entire veggie stand
The clock is nice to look at but is does not tell time
This is the shrine that all the boats travel to to get a blessing
Heading up the mountain
Looking down at a nice beach
Old military bunkers from 50 years ago
Happy to have climbed the steep road, these bikers forget that large busses are also on the road
Stylish bike riding onesie
This pass afforded a view of two military strategic areas
It was defended vigorously
A commemorative plaque
Climbing the exterior
A quick selfie then back in the car
Another beach on the other side of the pass
A precarious photo spot
Steep roads ahead
With serious repercussions for any lapse in attention. Our driver said 100% attention is not enough you need 200%
A road side shrine
We have reached the bottom
This long bridge comes out of the new 7 km tunnel that bypasses the pass
Very green hills
More tunnels
Sowing the rice
Hoeing the rice
Alice told us about the train
It stops multiple times
We chose to use a driver instead
Load 16 tons and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt...
Paddies along the sea shore
Carrying cookies and wafers
Small houses with big gates
Mixed nuts on delivery
This truck looked to be decorated for a parade
Her legs are too short for this scooter. Thank goodness for thick sandals
Chicken delivery
Dragon boat races
Paddling furiously
100s of ducks
Motorcycle helmets by the 100s
Best to be well covered when driving the wrong way
Cardboard collection
Large temples
The bridge over the Perfume River
It did not smell bad but neither did it smell of perfume
Pedi cabs
Great detail on the railing
An easy adaption to a regular wheelchair to make it mobile
We spent a long of time on this bridge waiting for the left turn arrow, if only we could have gotten a guitar concert