Wednesday, March 22, 2023

21 March 2023 Seville: Parque de Maria Luisa on the First Day of Spring


We enjoyed the fine weather Seville offered up.  28 C is 82 F and a perfect park walking temperature. We walked to the Parque de Maria Luisa, the former gardens of the Palace San Telmo.  There were park like areas along the route.  The University had nice grounds and we stopped at each green space as we walked.  There were statues, dogs and birds to peep at.  We made to to the park and wandered.  There were flowering trees everywhere and we got the scent of orange blossoms.  We came upon a water feature that had swans and three kinds of ducks swimming in it.  Then we make it over to the Plaza de Espana where there was a moat with row boats in it.  Arched walkways took the visitor over the moat and into the central area where a flamenco dance troupe was performing.   By this time our breakfast has dissipated and we got some lunch before all the restaurants close at 3PM.  We watched the people of all levels of sanity.  Then we took a 30 minute stroll to the super market to stock up.  This stroll took us past the cathedral and through the old centro district. We took a taxi back with our bags of goodies and then made dinner.

A Mozart sculpture

Guarding the river the Paseo Cristobal Colon is impressive

Hand on hip, time to dance

A cute terrier walked back and forth a few times

Got something to chew on

Lots of blooming trees along the way

Evergreen trees are tall and sturdy

Redbud trees?

The University in the background

No bland buildings to be found

Ornate is the theme

A row of military heros

Peeking our from the pines

Even the fencing is ornate

Of course there is maintenance required

We have made it to the parque

Very tall palm trees

Maria Louisa herself

She was a duchess of sorts and donated this land in 1893 for use as a public park

Swans, ducks and smaller birds loves this area

Orange trees filled with fruit

Cherry trees in full bloom

Spring had sprung

Many tall spires dotted the Parque

Baby ducks

Very cute

Iridescent in the sun

Rocking the Touristo look

These row board could only float around the moat

Even the light poles are tall and fancy

Another cute dog

At the Plaza de Espania the lighting is the fanciest yet

Arched stairway over the moat

A fine day for punting

Tile work everywhere

Flamenco dance for the price of a few coins

The tiles on the ceiling! 

Yelling to everyone and nobody, this man rented a bike to carry his cross through town

A snack at 2:45 just before everything shuts down for siesta

Bright sunburst for the angelic group

King Alfonso the 13th gets a hotel named after him. 

 The Alfonso 13th hotel was build in 1929 for an exposition

Walking to the store for supplies 

Took us past the cathedral

The doors were a favorite place for cigarette smokers to stink it up for everybody

In need of some pastry to continue our walk

The walk was through the centro old town

The knock off purses and "designer" goods had to be picked up quickly and moved

Because Pikachu is coming to get them.  Actually this picture raises some questions.  First is Pikachu female?  What is the secret that the women of this store share?  Lastly why is the woman in pink  not taking a picture of Pikachu? 

We are almost to the store and the end of our day

It has been 289 days since we began our Migration