Thursday, March 30, 2023

28 March 2023 Madrid: Lunch at Amazonico and Tea at the Mandarin Oriental


Amazonica was a very nice place and our lunch was as nice as the restaurant was beautiful.  Leslie had a big grilled sirloin and I got a bowl of wok fried baby squid and veggies.  We got frog legs as an appetizer and they were the best we have ever had.  Excellent fare for two travelers.  The woman who served us bread was nervous and she told us that it was only her second day on the job.  We told her how good she was doing and as the lunch went on we saw her practice the bread serving technique.  We walked home via the Riofrio Park and then yet another new set of streets back to the square.

We have arrived!

A fancy copper chimney 

Frog plate for our frog legs

We are the first ones here

A monkey with a big drink


Each lamp shade was different

Toucan play this game

One fancy bar area!

Pineapples cooking in a chamber with coals in the bottom

Two fancy gin drinks and three gins to add to the "new gin" list

The best frog legs we have ever eaten

My baby squid entree

Leslie ordered the beef

One very elaborate glass construction

A gator serving dish

Back to Riofrio park on our walk home

Not a blackbird but a Spotless Starling (lifebird)

The pond is empty today

The big hairy gorilla is only halfway into the costume the buskers are out and about

A short toed creeper (lifebird #2)


Looking at the results

I found a new group on FB and it it "The Gate Appreciation Society".  They appreciate gates!  

The lobby of the Mandarin Oriental

A great open and airy dining area

We were serenaded by the piano playing all of Leslie's' favorites songs.  Many of them the songs that she would play when she played piano at the country club.

Hmmm, what to get?  Hot chocolate perhaps...

Some dunk-able goodies

The service was decorated by beautiful birds

My high tech teapot with my image reflected in it.  I got the "Night in Shanghai" tea is available only at the Mandarin Oriental in Madrid

Hmmm, can I add this bird to the list?

Albert Einstein and the Queen.  They were actually friends in life.

Get it all at the Hat

Beauty everywhere

Madrid is great!

Even a building in construction is gussied up

It has been 296 days since we began our Migration