Tuesday, March 28, 2023

25 March 2023 Madrid: Friends From Florida and Fancy Fashion


Our friends from the Florida Wine Club, Catherine and Jeremy, are currently living in Luxembourg.  We saw on Facebook that they were in Madrid so we messaged and next thing you know they came over to our place for lunch.  We had a great time talking travel, both our and theirs.  We talked about working outside the USA,  the old times, wine club, book-club, bookstores, getting older, kids, wine, beer, whiskey, Luxembourg, Belgium, Spain, Scotland, USA, baseball, soccer, bagpipes, food and then more about food.  They are certainly kindred spirits and we hope to see then again whenever we are in Europe.  We met them in the plaza at 1noon and they stayed till after 5 PM.  A great time was had by all. I took the picture above immediately after they walked in the door.  Its a good thing I did as we talked nonstop and never had time to take another picture.   As we were putting the dishes away we heard what sounded like an aria.  We peeked out our window and we saw that square had been turned into some sort of performance space.  There were spectators surrounding a large rectangular area centered on the statue.  Luckily we were about to be entertained by a fusion of Opera, Equestrian Artistry and Haute Couture.  Sponsored by Cabalgando Entre Costura this event drew a big crowd down in the square but also a good crowd on balconies and watching from windows all around the plaza.  We sat on our balcony for two hours or more watching and listening.

We pointed out our apartment to Jeremy and Catherine when we picked them up

Two more dormer windows to the right is our place

The newest venue for fashion!

There were a half dozen horses throughout the performances

While the horses pranced and demonstrated fancy footwork

Models would emerge one a at time

The houses would sometimes interact with the fashion show

Mostly they two were separate

Hi ho Silver

A simple white affair

Put on the sunshades 

The Andalusian horses worked without a rider 

There was a wide range of dresses

At the end of each designers offerings the designer would walk a lap

Fancy stepping

This time the handler kept the horse on the same pace as the model

The shadows just got longer as the show continued

A classic Spanish mount

A classic Spanish hat

The heels gave some of the models a hard time

Just a guy in the crowd

The shadows are well defined despite the uneven surface

Flip that tail!

The most impractical dress of the show

Game of Thrones anyone?

Only one hoof on the ground

Fancy Shoes were also showing

A series of flamenco inspired dresses

This horse was not afraid to use its tail

The wind helped 

Time to take this yellow wrap to the cleaners

Perhaps 10% of the models were men

The jury is out on this one

Ready for a North Africa excursion

Leslie looked up and spotted this golden eagle, lifebird!

In a series of wedding dresses the rider also wore a wedding dress

This might have been the nicest dress of them all

And the wedding dress designer comes out in red!

A throw back to flapper days

These guitarists were top shelf

The latest oven mitt look

I can hear the flamenco guitars 

Many tiered 

it has been 293 days since we began our Migration