Monday, June 5, 2023

4 June 2023 Netley: One Year in the Bag, Tomorrow is the Start of Year Two


We finally got to the store yesterday and stocked up.  We spent the next few hours cooking and working with the food.  We had some pork steaks and zucchini for dinner.  We slept in again and are so happy with our AirBnB, it is quiet, it is peaceful and we are adjacent to a large undeveloped woodland.  The day began with some gardening.  Leslie watered the blooming plants and I washed the windows and hung up a birdfeeder.  We puttered in the yard for a bit more and then took a leisurely stroll through the park.  There were several times where we were completely alone  expect of the birds singing in the trees.  We made it to the Netley Military Cemetery where soldiers from the Boer War and WWI are buried.  The craftsmanship on the headstones is amazing.  On the return trip we saw a red fox, it was right next to us on the side of the trail and he was very very red.  Ice cream seemed very reasonable. We had worked up a big appetite!  A fine way to celebrate our first full year off travel,

In our back yard

An outstanding daisy

Peony perfect 

Red and white

Different shades of lavender

Out little brick cottage

The Coal Tit is a new Lifebird

Vining beauty

A single yellow bloom

Lambs ear?

The downward facing flowers are hard to photograph 

but they are still nice

A large vine on the side of the cottage will be a blooming spectacle 

Tiny white clusters

Delicate pinks

A blast of orange

Small blooms

micro blooms

Our friend the robin

Two paths diverge...

Stay on the path

Reach the rail line

Wild wildflowers

An orchard with fruit

One very tall tree dominating the fruit trees



At the gate to the orchard area

What a fine day

The gate will lead us back into the park

An apple a day

Very few other hikers

Captain Kirk, I assume

Over the tracks and down the tree lined path 

Train Equipment

Robin to the left

It is a wee train

With many paths to take

A bench to sit and take it all in

Down the hill was a marker

Gates tot he cemetery


Massive trees amongst the grave stones

The bushes are blooming

The cemetery is old

But well kept

Impressive tree

In the older section

Some headstones were more elaborate

A glade of crosses

In light and in shade

These WW1 grave markers had different engravings 

Canadian soldiers got a maple leaf

A New Zealand flower for their chaps

Cameron Highlanders

Australian Infantry

A Welsh regiment

Royal Scots

Kings' Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

Royal Field Artillery

South Wales Borderers

One huge purple flower mass

I saw this red fox 10 feet away on the side of the trail

Then it crossed in front of us

Let the screaming begin

Celebratory Ice Cream

Dog in the dos washing station

What have we here

Got that snail!

Fresh fruit in our fresh drink

In the backyard while the bird cooks

Time for dinner

It has been 365 days since we began out migration