Tuesday, June 6, 2023

5 June 2023 Netley: We Explore Into Southampton


Yet another great day in the UK! The sun was shining, the temperature was in the low 70's, so off to Southampton we go.   We needed to figure out the train system from our new place.  Trying to get our senior discount card on the interweb did not work, they wanted a 30 digit passport number,   huhhh?  So we walked to the train station, bought our tickets at the kiosk and off we went.  It was only 20 minutes before we arrived in Southampton.  Our first stop is the ticket booth for our senior discount card.   All we needed was an ID and our address, no passport needed at all!  Then off to explore.  We had brought a light picnic lunch along with us but wanted a bit more so we stopped into the Mayflower Kitchen for some chicken wings and coleslaw.  Then we walked through one very long and delightful park.  So many statues and flower beds, wowzers.  We came back through the commercial and entertainment district and we were entertained by the people.  The trains back leave at the 44 past the hour so we stopped back into the Mayflower for a nip 'o the Gin.  Two more brands to add to the gin book.

Hound Street is just down the way

Our station

The South West Railroad

Lets go!

Sasquatch alarm?

Crossing over a rail bridge

Boats galore

Some sunken boats in the water

Which pathway?

Great mural

Nice layout at the Mayflower Kitchen

A rare stone roof

This was a water collection house.  Nearby springs were channeled here and the water added to the city water supply

A huge clock tower

Picnic lunch completed!

Rose garden #1

A funky gate

Memorial from WW1

A set of arches draped with wisteria vines

Only a few are in bloom so far

The rose show begins

Overly relaxed squirrel

A blue tit in flight

I recommend some conditioner for the top spikes

White wagtail in the grass

Pink and triple stuffed

Triple bloom

The color is so intense it is messing with the cameras's software

Lots to chose from

A hint of orange in the center

A lady bug on the bottom pedal

A nice pair

Two more!

A giant blooming mass

We have reached the end of the park

Walking back through town we see this gate

Mate, did you look at your hair this morning?  It has gone all magenta

Been there done that

Got the picture to prove it

The civic buildings

Can you blame him?

New Gin, the King of Soho

& JJ Whitley are both added to the list

It has been 1 year and 1 day since we began our Migration