Thursday, November 30, 2023

30 November 2023 Istanbul: A Show Outside Our Windows


We were able to sleep thru the loud calls for prayer at dawn.  That gave me a couple more hours to sleep.  When I did wake up I sat our on our glassed in balcony and saw lots of cool things outside.

The blue mosque is sprawling

Here are two different marinas, many ferries sail from here

These seagulls were on the next balcony over and were very vocal

Lots of ships out in the water

A big cruise ship

All sorts of ships

Many flocks of birds flying

Rock Pigeons

Hooded crows


A new bird, the laughing dove

The entrance to a car tunnel

Little cat on the roof

Hooded crow on the gilded parts of the mosque


More starlings

Fall colors

I had to get the map out to try to decipher the water way

Turkish flag

The sun was peeking out 

It has been 1 year and 178 days since we began our Migration