Sunday, November 26, 2023

24 November 2023 Vouliagmeni: A Stroll Along The Water


The sun came out and although a bit chilly we still went out for a walk.  We headed down the hill and then south to the lake.  We crossed over the bridge but the walkway petered out so we headed back the other way.  We stopped in to a new shop but nothing much in there to shop for except some blackberries.  

The wall has been repaired after the car crash three weeks ago

A seagull eating a pigeon

Bright sunny day

Folks will sit anywhere they can

Some sailboats practicing  

They would lean the boat so far that the sail would almost hit the water, then switch sides and bring it back upright

The clearest of waters

Cool cat

Getting warm on the bench

An old well

The oranges are ripening all at once

The cars are making the juice

Gutter juice

It has been 1 year and 172 days since we began our Migration