Thursday, August 15, 2024

11 August 2024 Tulsa: Lunch and One Last Walk in the Park


After the tour we all headed out to lunch.  Lunch was at Mother Load Market.  It is a large stand alone food court with multiple eateries and seating around the exterior.  All along the Arkansas River there are walk ways, bike lanes, recreational facilities and of course birds!  I was able to add 9 birds to my bird list.  To make it to the list I need a decent photo of the bird which makes it a tad bit more difficult but I like the challenge. We regrouped and met again at the Portlanders AirBnB for dinner.

Rocket man!

The missing member of Kiss

Sassy Sally seen on the way to lunch

Throw a wrench in it!

I got the extra hot chicken

Chicken and the wolf!

The Oil Drop Family

Mr. Drop

Customize your lunch choice

A bike tour

 Heron statue

Hey Mr. Blue Jay

Lunch time for the Great Blue Heron

Courtship or territorial dispute?  There was much posturing between these birds

An American White Pelican (new)

A red bellied woodpecker

Not the best photo but the only one I could get of the Eastern Kingbird (new).  I know it is this bird because my Merlin App said it was.

Ray gets a fancy gift!

Everyone gets a sip

What a fun night

It has been 2 years and 67 days since we began our Migration