Sunday, August 25, 2024

24 August 2024 Toronto: South Humber Park


We took a day off yesterday so today we took a loop through South Humber Park and then back home through a neighborhood.  The river was busy with power boats, stand up paddle boats and canoes.  We decided to take an afternoon and float this river.  Lots of reed banks along the  river's edge but no birds of note.  The temperature has been ideal, mid 70's and sunny except for a few days of rain.  This is the sweet spot for us, walking about with shorts and not sweating.  

Swallow nests

A map showing the connections of the trails

Either a downy or hairy woodpecker

Creepy graffiti 

Many highway overpasses

The river is busy

So many black eyed Susan

Rockets on the rooftop?

Great murals along the trail

Bear presenting a child

What he said!


Marshes along the river


The height of modern architecture in 1959

A new bench!

Serious flowers 

Fresh concrete and a deep cut into the dirt

More flowers

A tiny church

In the dispensary

A Haple 

Funky mushroom mural for the Park Lawn Dental

There is a huge veg and fruit wholesale market....not open to the public!

Love is a Gingko leaf, can fall be far away?

Our excursion!

It has been 2 years and 80 days since we began our Migration