Friday, August 23, 2024

21 August 2024 Toronto: High Park Highlights


Our first stop after getting out of the trolly was the Colborne Lodge.  There was a seriously large construction effort onsite and the cottage was not open.  We talked with the gardener a bit and thanked her for such fine work.  The closed cottage left us more time for garden watching and walking about.  It is called High Park because it is situated on the high land between a few lakes and streams.  We went up and down and then around the biggest lake.  We saw a few new birds and passed the 600 bird milestone!

The answer is simple, 117

Say Hi to High Park

We are at the lodge

A cool art piece, The Wind Oracle, next to the construction fence

Let the Wind Oracle make those tough life decision for you

The gardens at the Lodge 

So bright and simply fantastic

Can you spot the bird?

There he is!

Cottage related displays

Between the waters

I have little knowledge of the Canadian tribes


A very ornate fence around the memorial

It was a memorial for a couple who died in 1877

The Eastern Phoebe Bird 601

Very pretty bird

John George Howard gets a bug headstone!

A vey extensive series of stairs

From down below looking up you can see the stairs in the distance

Huge lady bug

Willow down

Wood Duck #602

A bit early for these sparrows

The lake was big

Private residences on the other side

Native American art?

Totem rocks perhaps?

Field trip is over!

The next tram will be overflowing

A delightful array of produce

Our dinner!

The bunny is the lookout

Very spikey

This is a do not touch kind of plant

Dance and enchant, but not on top of this rock

Flutter graceful birds

This is us to a tee

Early evening sailboats

An osprey

The last paddle boat tour of the day

This makes me think of that song..."In my head, in my head ...Steel Plate, Steel Plate, Steel Plate"

It has been 2 years and 77 days since we began our Migration