Friday, August 2, 2024

30 July 2024 Iceland to NYC: A Flight and Arrival In the City


We slept in at the Icelandic hotel as long as we could.  It was great to get the sleep and it helped reduce any jetlag that is on its way.  The flight was 6 hours and we enjoyed it.  No drama on the flight and mere inefficiencies at the immigration line.  The number of operational booths steadily dropped as we got closer and closer to the front.  Finally we were almost there and the two agents in front of us closed their booths so we had to move to another line.  No problem, as we made it through and were at the Casablanca soon enough.  The ride was over in a blink of an eye and we headed out to find some much needed sundries.  

So many choices in Duty Free

Fresh glacier water

A large comic book on the wall

I did not try to follow the story line

It looks like highlights 

Good looking hair

Three Icelandic Gins to try in the lounge

Red vs green 64 degrees

Then the Rubarb

What you got in there?

Having fun for all to see

Fun and games

Can you remember

Another bus ride to the plane

But this time we park ourselves right by the front door

Some pre-take off macrons

Bit sized bits

The ice sheet over Greenland

Some mountains


Ice bergs fresh for the ocean

About half way there


A clearing in the clouds let us view this beauty

NYC here we come

The grid pattern rules

Landing in Newark

Lady Liberty in the bay

An ever changing skyline

It is late late...6AM Copenhagen time

It has been 2 years and 55 days since we began our Migration