Saturday, April 1, 2023

29 March 2023 Madrid: Peeps in the Square and Our Last Walk Around


The Plaza Mayor, at times, seemed like Times Square with all the characters out there looking for change.  These characters may seem familiar to us but the the police would chase them off every chance they got. Bart Simpson, Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog left just in time.  Our favorite busker was the accordion player.  We clapped for him from the 5th floor but we don't think he could hear us.  We were able to give him a few euros as we did our last walk around the exterior of the Plaza.  The guy who played Stairway to Heaven was not really that good and we saw the police write him a ticket.  Bart Simpson, Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog left just in time.

The transformer guy is popular with the kids

Until he isn't anymore

The Ducks are in the Plaza, is that a bear coming in to say hi?

An over sized gorilla moved suddenly, scaring this kid

The costume must be very hot as the top was removed several times

Seemingly mild mannered leggo man

Gets the attention of the police

For exposing himself in public

We took a walk around the exterior of the Plaza Mayor


But not frequented

As we travel we see the buildings look very different on the outside

The red buildings are seen through the arch

That back alley you never want to find yourself in

The sun is bright through this arch

Our door is up to the right, but we need to keep on going around

Each entrance is busy at all times of day and night

Last arch on the trip around

Nice extra after dinner walk

Sun is making it pretty

Busted because the rendition of "Stairway to Heaven" is off key

The wispy clouds are joining in

Great golden glow


It has been 297 days since we began our Migration