Monday, April 29, 2024

28 April 2024 Tokyo: Yoyoji Park to See the Dogs!


We got all excited when we discovered that we could rent a dog for an hour and take that dog for a walk.  The rental place was right next to Yoyoji Park which has a large dog run.  So thought that we could take the dog over to the park and have a nice walk.  The only issue was a forecast of 84 degrees for the day.  As we were drinking our morning tea we read the reviews for the dog rental and the reviews were not good.  It turns out that these dogs were not too excited to be walking with complete strangers so we decided not to do that part of the day.  Instead we walked through Yoyoji Park and had a delightful time.  There were kids in strollers, kids on bikes, kids walking and running everywhere.  There were dogs in strollers, dogs in backpacks, dogs walking and running everywhere. In the dog walk proper there were three separate areas. There was a large area for large and medium sized dogs, 10 Kg or less.  There was a slightly smaller area for small dogs between 10 and 5 kg and a tiny area for the smallest of dogs.  We must have spent two hours standing around those areas.  We were laughing and pointing and having a blast.  We had the progressive park picnic like last time.  So we stopped in four different places and snacked at each place.   On the way out we saw a group drumming, some folks dancing, a vary loud protest and some aging rock-a-billies.  This park is closer to the center of Tokyo so the density of the people was much higher than it is in Toshima City.  Lots of folks in the station and in the trains.  We hit the seafood section over at Tobu on the walk home and got goodies for dinner.  King Crab, salmon, masago, goat cheese rounded out out dinner.  Yum

Bunny with a bone?

A busy station

Delightful flowers

A boy scout excursion

Cue the cute dog sound track

The scout master, is he a zen master too?

Bark bark woof

The wooded areas were less traveled

The bird sanctuary was off limits to humans

Large to medium sized dogs

Two corgies were there

This Jack Russel may be a small dog but it had a big dog attitude so it was fine int he area for larger dogs

Bigger than 22 pounds for this area

Dog owners need to be registered and have the code to in

In the small dog section

7 dogs in this one picture

Two dachshunds 

Another 7 dogs

This little guy had his full body exercise suit on

A Boston terrier.  This is the second one we saw one was in with the big dogs and this one was in with the small dogs

The park was filled with picnickers

Beagle pulling on the lead


Guitar player


A food truck with a sausage family

A pig as a car

There were just a few roses in bloom in the rose garden

These were quite beautiful

Some sort of a dragon lizard?

Inflatable croc 

Equipment for a professional level picnic

More cute dogs

The earth!

Crowded Harajuku Station

A baseball fan

We ar in the fish store.  Not sure if the fish head is real or plastic

The Uoriki Fish Store, the fishmongers were all singing their own tunes

Love this shirt!

A balloon bouquet 

Calling frog

Namaste frog 

It has been 1 year and 328 days since we began our Migration