The beautiful thing about retired person traveling is that we do not push ourselves when we don't feel like pushing. Since our selection of places to visit has done nothing to bolster our cold tolerance we are susceptible to a chill. If 20 years in South Florida did not ruin our ability to handle cold, skipping winter solstices for three years certainly has. As such, walking through the chilly streets of London in the fall yesterday, has indeed taken its toll. We were both tired during the day and decided that a bit of clothes shopping and food shopping is all we needed to accomplish. We bought a whole chicken and got right into making chicken soup once we returned. We got nourishment and aroma therapy out of the soup. Then it was a night of Netflix and Chill
More fancy cars just outside our door
Even more fancy manhole covers
The dress makers
the watch makers
The golden Eagle
Brick buildings on a grand scale
Moss growing in the little pockets
It has been 2 years and 130 days since we began our Migration