Tuesday, October 8, 2024

8 October 2024 Stow on the Wall: More of Stow


In a break between rain showers there was a chance to see some more of Stow.  The side streets had some smaller houses.  A tree lined lane led to Maugersbury where  there were lots of sheep and some huge houses.  Houses may be an understatement, perhaps they are estates.

A cross in the central square

A mason's symbol on this door with fancy hardware

Not as strong as the Roman Arch

Jack and Jill Jackdaws

It was chilly and the wood pigeons were fluffed up

Little houses

Something to sing about

Lots of angles going on here

Gold finch

This one had a heritage plaque

Even the bird houses are old

So many angles!

Still lots of blooms

Oh, my!  This needs some help

The owner must have to trim the ivy just to see out

Cant miss the door

A lonely lane to stroll down

The town of Maugersbury

Some big places

Some small places

The road got better at least

Flowers and weeping willows

Sheep and the fields off int the distance

This place is huge

Back in Stow

 It has been 2 years and 125 days since we began our Migration