The "test of strength" display at the International Spy Museum survived the move to the new location. Hayden's turn, above, was spoiled by the residual cleaning fluid left on the bar, but all three got to try it. We had 10 AM tickets so we were out of the house at 9:30 AM, the earliest time yet. We took the metro to the Le Enfant station which was a new one for us. We had some difficulty getting out and finding the Spy Museum. We did not realize that it was actually inside the same building that contained the station. Once we got into the museum each of us was given a plastic card much like a hotel key and we used that to log into several kiosks scattered though the museum. We used it to get a code word, get a false identity, pick disguises and carry out our mission. Some of the missions included tracking down antiquities smugglers, ferreting out double agents and the like. That proved to be the most fun of the whole museum. There were many cool displays and activities in the two floor museum and we enjoyed it greatly.
Some pastry for Hayden in the morning
Our first choice was closed
The infamous lost sock was always on the stairs as we entered the metro
Finally we find the museum
We are in and ready for our missions
Indeed it is not
Read the fine print before buying one of these rectal tool kits
Coin slashers, very sneaky and lethal
Intelligence comes from many places
A pop icon spy
Mata Hari's actual outfit, eat your heart out Madonna
A snake drone
Lock picking tool kit
The famous Great Seal bug given the the US Ambassador to the USSR. He hung it in the US embassy in Moscow unaware of the passive listening device hidden inside. The device needed a radio signal of a specific frequency to provide it with power. Once that signal reached the bug, it retransmitted the the same frequency but with an additional modulation that came from the voices in the room.
Pigeon drone
An actual drone the size of a dragonfly
Turning the wheel to decode a cipher
There is a difference
A fully submersible kayak that a diver could pilot under water to attach ships. This was WW2 era equipmrnt
Jaxson started on the bar
A respectable time
Now Zachary
The winner
Hang in there
Hayden's hands slipped off the slippery bar
Making our spy disguises
Laura made a great disguise for herself
Harpo Marx was a spy
Coco Channel was a spy
Laura did well on her mission
Heading to the store
The first combat submarine is here. The turtle is a wooden, pedal powered submersible designed by David Bushnell. It was used in the revolutionary war to get to British ships undetected and attach explosives to the ship. It almost worked but the air supply ran out and the diver had to return
A T-shirt in the shop
Hot sauce
George Washington in shades
This may be a good read
James Bond's car, the vanity plate is JB007