Wednesday, May 10, 2023

9 May 2023 Arlington VA: Here come The 11's


Our trip to DC with the 11 year old grand nieces and nephews continues with a new batch of 11's.  Hayden, Jaxon and Zachary are the CC'c, cool cousins.  otherwise they are the XYZ gang.  The X is for Jaxon, the Y is for Hayden and the Z is for Zachary.  This is a thing that we have done now three times, but this time it is three at once.  To help Laura has joined us.  We are so lucky for that and to top it off it is her birthday!  So there is celebration all around.

At the Orlando Airport they is stocking up on food

First Class service

It is a bit chilly on the plane

A quick tour of our Arlington digs

Huge iron doors

Nice wooden floors and a long hall from the front door to the back door

The living room had a false fireplace and ample seating

25 steps up to the sleeping area

Bunk beds for the boys

Birthday girl Laura's room

Leslie picked this room

Hayden sleeps here

In the front of the house there is a gym

Guess who is excited...

They have arrived!

Downstairs is the recreation room

Many entertainment opportunities

Ping pong too

Game station

Some rules

It ain't heavy till it has to go upstairs

It has been 338 days since we began our Migration