Sunday, May 21, 2023

21 May 2023 Windsor: A Tour of Savill Gardens


The Savill Gardens are located inside the Windsor Great Park 7 miles outside of Windsor.  We absolutely loved this garden.  We feel like we came at the peak bloom as nearly every plant, bush and tree was in bloom.  So much color and such a variety of different flowers!  Bravo to the groundskeepers.  Prepare yourselves for  barrage of flower pictures.  We packed a picnic lunch and ate it on the sly in the back of the gardens.  No drinking or picnicking was allowed but we were hungry and that chicken salad was not going to eat itself.  We wandered around with our eyes popping out and our mouths agape.  We saw a new lifebird, the European robin,  and thought we had another but it was an immature blackbird.  We walked through some more of the park and saw one of the most serious playgrounds ever!  Of course it was not open, renovations!

Thick with iris blooms

Fluffy and yellow

Purple, blue and white

Over inflated lips

Great balls of pollen

Splayed out

Almost translucent 

Very delicate

A sun rising out of the red

Orange on orange

Pointy tulip

A micro flower

A sunburst


Sunny happy flowers

A rose bush full of tiny blooms

One of only a few other roses that had bloomed

A mystery

Gotta get that honey

Bee in flight


Subtle color

A ring of red flowers

A row of bluebells

Tiny little cups

A dark grass

Filled with tasty pollen

One weird sprawling beast

Red and white

Pink and red

Poof a burst of flower

So much color in one flower

More colors of green than yellow

Yellow lipped carp

Carp pond

Blue irises

Ferns rolling out

Such a weird plant

This leaf is slowly drying out

This garden is sublime

An explosion of colors

Bi colored

Blue with antenna

So hairy

This looked like a lung 

A huge wisteria tree

These flowers grew straight out of the brick wall

Oh micro tree, oh micro tree

The bees loved this bush so much that we could hear the buzzing

A Leslie bloom in the red

Wow such intense pink

Our forbidden picnic, not allowed in the gardens

A wild sprawling thing

Thick blooms

An immature blackbird

A row of flowers

Lavender rhododendrons

White and fluffy rhododendrons

Spooky tree

Two blond heads poking up out of the tall grass

This European Robin has a mouth of worms

Mystery flowers, maybe a 

Yellow as far as the eye could see

This big bee would disappear inside the flower for nectar

One gigantic bloom

So many thorns

European Robin

A Great Blue Tit

Yellow water irises

Out of the garden we go

I hope the kids come out the other end

It has been 350 days since we began our Migration