Friday, May 5, 2023

2 May 2023 Barcelona: Oscar's Turn for the Birthday


Another fantastic sunny day!  The temperature is just right, not too hot and with the cool breeze, it was delightful.  We met Maria and Oscar after they walked to the Dragon from their hotel down by the water.  We continued the walking throughout the day and ended up with 12,000 steps for the day.  For Oscar's birthday we penciled in the Mercado de La Boqueria for our activity.  We hopped off at the Arc de Triumph train station for a change.  This way we got to walk along different roads and see new items.  Trees in bloom, dumpling shops and of course dogs lined the streets we walked along.  After the Dragon we went to the market and bought several items to eat.  Potato on a stick, sweet potato fries, spicy chicken on a stick, calamari, jamon, cheese and some bread.  Thanks Maria!  She insisted on paying today since we snuck our credit card into the waiter's hand the previous evening.  The market was so packed we could not find a place to sit and eat.  So we sat outside on some benches instead.  Next door to the market was a rooftop bar where we were able to sit and talk and enjoy ourselves.  We spent a few hours here and got to know our bartender Leon.  As the sun started descending we said our goodbyes and got back to the train while we still had daylight.  It was so much fun getting to see Maria and Oscar and then an additional bonus getting to celebrate two birthdays with them.

Odd structures on the beach

trees in full bloom

The smell of dumplings is in the air

Big fluffy was all around

It is best to meet friends with pastry in your pocket

This a a big batch of soup!

A hair salon for frizzy hair?

A day to take your art out for a walk

An old fountain

In front of the fountail

Is our crew

Odd grafitti

Walking through the Plaza Catalunya 

It is not easy to get everyone in the frame

This works

The market had an impressive facade

Enter the temple of commerce 

This is a potato, thinly slices and stuck on a stick.  It was so thin that it was like potato chips on a stick

Standing room only at the market, we need more room

This seems like a place to try

Yes, 7th floor rooftop bar!

A bit windy

But that keeps us cool

The flag of Catalonia

Domani domani says the church next door

A new Gin!

Blue skies

Blue gin too

The London #1 is a blue gin

The 209 gin is from San Fran

Frenchies sleeping in the sun

Getting some help with the photos

Our bartender from England was named Leon

A very dapper gent

Getting a closer look at the church

With a green tile roof

Stone buttresses

The skylight shaft, seven floors down

Fun sights on our trip home

We get a closer look at the item on the beach

Hmmmm, Satan wants us to buy red cars?

It has been 331 days since we began our Migration