Tuesday, May 23, 2023

22 May 2023 Windsor: Windsor Castle


Windsor Castle was started in 1170 by William the Conqueror.  It is still inhabited and that makes it the longest royal castle in continuous use in the world.   There are 10 monarchs buried onsite along with many of the royal families.  We were able to see the grave of Queen Elizabeth II, recently deceased and her husband Phillip.  The castle is huge but the public is only allowed a small glimpse of the interior and must follow a one way path complete with red velvet ropes to keep everyone on path.  No pictures were allowed inside so no way to share the lush and luxurious rooms.  We saw the plaque on the wall that identified the location where the 1992 fire started.  That fire damaged over 100 rooms but the majority of the art works and many of the historic artifacts were safely removed from the Castle before the fire spread too far.  

A fun car we passed on the way to the Castle

The shortest street in all of the UK

Only 51 feet 10 inches long

A sidewalk factoid

The Castle at the end of the street

We would have been in this shop but it was out of business

Windsor Parish of John the Baptist is just down the street

While waiting in line to visit the castle I took these shots

Very old and delightful

A windvane and possible a suet feeder for birds that is squirrel proof

A large picture of QEII and KCIII

Peeking in at the Castle

Getting comments from the staff for how well we were dressed

We were on the lookout for arrows flying out of the slits ion the Castle

In we all go

St Georges Gate

Watch out for the dragon

Looking up to the round tower

The details never dissapoint

Right inside the entrance I took this picture, it is the only one from the interior.  The guard reminded me that no photos were allowed inside

That made her the longest reigning Monarch ion British History.  She is surpassed only by Louis XIV who started when he was 4 so it hardly seems fair

A large courtyard

We have emerged to see the interior

So lush and proper

The police are onto Leslie's people peeping

King Charles II on his horse

Armed with a gun and a bayonet 

Not a real changing of the guards but the guards are changing

They marched right next to us

A lonely place

Not so lonely anymore

See how busy it is

So much stone!

Changing places is what the sign says.  

Out the tunnel we go

A great view of the big round tower.  There is a spring with water flowing out of the side of this hill

Even the lamps are royal

A Red Kite was flying around looking for lunch

Crocheted Coronation

St Georges Chapel

No pictures allowed inside but I took a picture of the poster of the interior

St George and the Dragon stature from the gift shop

Most of the windows were regular but some were stained glass

So much detailed stonework

The red brick buildings housed the poor Knights.  An ancient order created for distinguished ex-soldiers in need

The Chapel

The Red Kite

Chapel and Castle

Flanking the stairs is a Unicorn

Unicorn emerging

Smooching where Meghan and Harry smooched

Only one rose ready to bloom

The poor Knights housing

Another Guard on duty

Behind some fencing was an Orb

A first for both of us

A piano on a bike

It has been 351 days since we began our Migration