Wednesday, May 24, 2023

23 May 2023 Windsor: Meeting Callum at Battersea Power Station


The Battersea Power Station was a huge coal fired power station that shut down in the late 80's.  It stood derelict for decades despite several grand redevelopment  plans.  One redevelopment finally worked and now it is a huge shopping mall.  It just opened in October of 2022 so it is all very new.  You may recall that it was used for a Pink Floyd Album cover way back in 1977 with a huge inflatable pig in the background.  Callum met us at 4 PM and we headed to the Control Room for drinks.  Leslie wanted a glass of Veuve Cliquot but they only had bottles.  Leslie asked me if I would join her on a bottle and as Callum said "It would be rude not to."  As it turned out Callum had to help us polish off the bottle, it would be rude not to.  We got lots of information from Callum about his job, his black lab (Robyn) , how his family is doing, his long distance relationship, his travels, his impending 30th birthday and more.  If the questions remain unasked, they remain unanswered.  After achieving the correct blood alcohol level, we headed off to get some Tapas.  Yum!

We made it to the Power Station after a delightful cab ride with Andy

Brand new condos

The iconic Flying Pig!

A sunken entryway

The stacks are 109 meters tall that is 357 feet

Brand new shopping events

Still able to see some of the skeleton of the old building

An old piece of machinery

Giant green couches and chairs

We had to walk a good distance away from the building to be able to get the picture

I scream, you scream, that is the side effect of eating your ice cream too fast

Sleek modern escalators 

 This only looks small but it is 20 feet tall and was used to generate some electricity

House or elephant?

A picture of the picture in the info center

30 feet up is a glass box on the overhead crane

Another overhead crane

Life is Beautiful
Wife is Beautiful

It is a bar located in the actual control room 

The were having a photo shoot while we were there.  I offered up my mustache but there were no takers.  Here was the gin display

A old time decision tree on the menu

Red or White?

The photographer in the back is clearly facing the wrong way.  The real beauty is directly behind him and directly in front of me

Having a good laugh!

Whoot to the Hoot

The lighting was so weird in the Control Room that I could never compensate in post production

So much to monitor in a power plant of this size

We have achieved the correct amount of liquor in our systems


Cynthia was our server and she hails from Malaga in Spain.  That is near where we started our Spain segment

One last picture as we were leaving 

Goodbye for now

We will see you in a few days


A big pagoda on the other side of the Thames

Getting late and heading back

It has been 352 days since we began our Migration