Sunday, March 17, 2024

15 March 2024 Osaka: The Osaka Castle


The Osaka Castle was a big to do way back in 1583 when it was completed.  It surpassed the greatest castle in the land in many ways, taller, fancier and of course newer.  However it was burned in an attack by a rival clan in 1615.  It was rebuilt in the1620's and the walls got a big upgrade with interlocking granite stones brough in from the Seto Inland Sea area.  Many of the stones have the family crest chiseled into them of the family that provided them.  It was completed in 1629 regaining its former glory.  However it was consequently destroyed in the Summer Battle of Osaka during the civil war a mere 16 years later.  But it was once again rebuilt only to burn again after a gunpowder explosion in 1660, a lightning strike in 1665 and so on.  A gradual decline was halted in 1853 when it received another round of renovations.  This time it lasted until WW2 when air raids took it down again although some of the buildings survived.  The entire area was rebuilt in 1995 finishing in 1997.  It is certainly an impressive building and the grounds are delightful.  Most impressive are the giant granite blocks in the walls.

A peek from the  road outside the grounds

These sloping walls lead down to the moat

The oldest of the buildings on site.  It survived the various fires and battles 

It is a guard house / watch tower due to its location on the edge of the walls

In reflection is the face of the tour guide who was narrating in Japanese.  the end of each sentence expresses excitement and got us to giggling 

After the Bus Tour we took a taxi back to the castle

The cherry trees are budding but no blooms yet

Eurasian Tree Sparrows

The moat has water in it

Each pine tree seemed to have been carefully sculpted

The exterior gates

The interior gates

Huge monolithic stones fitted together with precision and without mortor

A stone showing how it was worked

Folks for scale

The tori gate leading to the inner sanctum 

One final gate to pass through

What massive stones! They must be 10 or 12 feet tall

A newer post war building that houses a fancy restaurant

Here we are at the castle

the line starts here, for those who had not pre-ordered their tickets that is

The sun is heating up the day, soon it will be time to shed the coats

A signal cannon

It was built ion 1863 and was fired at noon until the mid 1920's when the practice was discontinued

In we go

Tiger...Run away!  There are eight of these tigers on the castle walls

Gold fish.  This is a full scale replica of the male fishjh on the south side of the main tower

A selection of hats to pose with!

Bigger is better

Biggest is best

Background provided by the photographers

Scenes of the Portuguese first contact with Japan

The smartest man in Japan in the 9th and 10th century, Sugawara no Michizane

A scale model of the castle grounds

Various art works depicted battles and processions from the past

During the battle in 1995 these folks were aseen running for their lives

these are close up details of the much larger painting of the battle

Each individual is a known warrier

Lots of battle related displays 

Out and hungry

Heading to the station

We find a stall that is making the iconic Takoyaki 

Fried dough with octopus bits inside

A Tufted Duck

Oriental Turtle Dove

We passed the Peace Museum

they have threi own dove

In sculpture format

And that is all she wrote

It has been 1 year and 284 days since we began our Migration