Wednesday, August 31, 2022

29 August 2022 Quebec City: The Mosaicultures Quebec

What a huge undertaking. This spectacular spread of plants was awe inspiring.  The artistry was evident and there was a huge crew of folks maintaining each of the topiaries.  Located at Park du Bois de Coulounge, the Mosaicultures Quebec brought 100 horticulturists to assemble 200 different mosaicultures from over 6 million plants and flowers.  They are eco minded and have made use of specialized water retaining materials.  There were five different sections that flowed along a specific path.  There were many people there but it was a Monday so not as many as were there on Sunday.  We poured through the exhibits from the Pergola area where butterflies and turtles were.  Next the Polar and Marine World with orca, dolphins, whales and puffins.  Continuing on we went through the Endangered Species area with the African animals, elephants, zebras and hippos, the Asian area with pangolins, and Komodo dragons.  Then we got to the Mother Earth piece that was three stories tall and she had a waterfall coming out of her hand.  Next was an area with a local First Nations Tribes, the Huron-Wendat nation, theme.  Bear, musk oxen, elk and moose were prominently displayed right next to a stylized Long House.  Finally we walked through the Farm area filled with chickens, sheep , horses and the Man Who Plants Trees.  A brilliant exhibition indeed!

These elephants were huge and they had a presence 

They are thick in the endangered species section

Life like and playful

The expressions are open and peaceful

Musty old Musk Ox

Time to butt heads

Puffins bringing home food for the chicks

This picture is to give you a sense of how many people were in attendance and how big Mother Earth is

Having a whale of a time

Playful Dolphins

Beluga, the canaries of the sea

Ice flow residents, the Polar Bears

The one on the left is Wally the Walrus

Off to the South Pole for Penguins

Last of the whale

Mother Earth is serene

This Clown fish is very un-nemolike

Red Keds and Sweet Pea


Another chance to see how large these creations are 

Tree Iguana

Pandering to the panda crowd

Who is looking for peanuts in Leslies hair

Rhinos about to charge

No horns to poach

Le Tigre'

The stripes section


A blue eyed Lion

This mane is a pain to blow dry

The whole family unit


It looks like the chimp on the right is texting

The orangutangs need a trim

Do not look them in the eye

Waterfowl in motion

What is the bison's favorite beer?  Red Stripe


The whole savannah is here

Look close in the center and you can see one of the many trimmers trimming away on the side of the antelope.  

Water buffalo

Owl incoming

Elusive as ever

Moose and Horse



Long arms let me find Mother Earth in Peace

A little smooch 

There is an eagle landing on the hand


The red tailed hawk

Loony good

Where would we be without the Beaver?

Nibble nibble


The First nations canoe

Howling wolf

Porcupine time to rhyme 

The path wisely diverted around the mother bear and her cub

Howling wolf

Snarling Wolf

The Long House, deconstructed

The Man Who Plants Trees


Take a load off

Bath time disaster

This old man who plants trees is 20 feet tall

What kind of tree is this old man planting

Tracking the scent of snacks

Horsing around

Looking back

Cows it going with you?

Even the cat is hard at work

We did not see any tine shrubs in the shape of mice

Can you hear the Budweiser song

Here comes the bud here comes big the king of beers

El Bandito 

Stuck in the barrel 

Time for a cat nap

The Peacock and the turkey

Good day to you, Ladies


Pollen aplenty to feed the hive

Snoopy the red baron vs. Chicken King

Bunny bunny bunny


A great time was had by all

It has been 86 days since we began our Migration.